Cannot Delete or change hosts file
Filed under: Browsers, Internet, LAN, Network, TCP/IP
Comments: None
SecurityTool changes the permissions of the HOSTS file so you can’t edit or delete it. To fix these permissions please download the following batch file and save it to your desktop:
When the file has finished downloading, double-click on the hostsperm.bat file that is now on your desktop. If Windows asks if you if you are sure you want to run it, please allow it to run. Once it starts you will see a small black window that opens and then quickly goes away. This is normal and is nothing to be worried about. You should now be able to access your HOSTS file.
# We now need to delete the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\HOSTS file. Once it is deleted, download the following HOSTS file that corresponds to your version of Windows and save it in the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc folder.
Or create a batch file by opening notepad, insert the following text and rename it to hosts-perm.bat
@echo off
echo,Y|cacls “%WinDir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts” /G everyone:f
attrib -s -h -r “%WinDir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts”