Sync Skydrive and Dropbox to SD Card

By jldurham6,

  Filed under: Dropbox, Hard Drive, Microsoft OS, Server OS, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP
  Comments: None

Step 1: Format the Micro SD Card as NTFS

  • Before taking the next steps, make sure you insert your micro SD card and back up anything on it that you would like to keep. You can do this by just copying the contents from the micro SD card to your computer or an external drive.


  • Step 1.1: From the Start screen, bring up the desktop. Your desktop should appear.


  • Step 1.2: Click on the Libraries folder shortcut on the taskbar. Your Libraries window should appear.


  • Step 1.3: Click on Computer on the left panel of the window. Your computer drives should appear in the window.


  • Step 1.4: Right click on your micro SD card on the Devices with Removable Storage category and select Format from the menu. A Format window should appear.


  • Step 1.5: Select “NTFS” as the “File system” in the Format window.
  • Step 1.6: Click “Start”. A “Format Removable Disk” window with a warning should appear.


  • Step 1.7: Click “OK” on the Format Removable Disk window to confirm. The format should take about a few moments. A Format Complete window should appear.


  • Step 1.8: Click “OK” in the Format Complete window.
  • Congratulations! You have completed formatting your micro SD card as NTFS. You are done with Step 1.

Step 2: Create a “SkyDrive” Folder on the Micro SD Card

  • Step 2.1: From the desktop, click on the Libraries folder shortcut on the taskbar. Your Libraries window should appear.


  • Step 2.2: Click on Computer on the left panel of the window. Your computer drives should appear in the window.


  • Step 2.3: Double-click on your micro SD card.


  • Step 2.4: Click on New folder to create a new folder.


  • Step 2.5: Name the folder “SkyDrive”.


  • Congratulations! You now have a SkyDrive folder on your micro SD card, namely “D:\SkyDrive”. You are done with Step 2.

Step 3: Create a “SkyDriveData” Folder on Your Computer.

  • Step 3.1: From the desktop, click on the Libraries folder from the taskbar.


  • Step 3.2: Click on Computer on the left panel of the window. Your computer drives should appear in the window.


  • Step 3.3: Double-click on your Windows (C:) drive.


  • Step 3.4: Click on New folder to create a new folder.


  • Step 3.5: Name the folder “SkyDriveData”.


  • Congratulations! You now have a SkyDriveData folder on your Windows (C:) drive, namely “C:\SkyDriveData”. You are done with Step 3.

Step 4: Mount the MicroSD Card as “SkyDriveData” on Your Computer

  • Step 4.01: From the Start screen, hold down the Windows key on your keyboard and press “W”. This should bring up the settings search screen.


  • Step 4.02: Start typing “administrative tools”. You should see the “Administrative Tools” tile.


  • Step 4.03: Click on the “Administrative Tools” tile. This will bring up the “Administrative Tools” window.


  • Step 4.04: Double-click on “Computer Management”. This will bring up the “Computer Management” window.


  • Step 4.05: Click on “Disk Management” on the left pane. You will see the center panel update to show the disks on your system.


  • Step 4.06: Right-click on your Removable micro SD disk next to where it says “Online”.


  • Step 4.07: Click “Change Drive Letter and Paths…”. A “Change Drive Letter and Paths for D: ()” window should appear.


  • Step 4.08: Click “Add”. An “Add Drive Letter or Path” window should appear. The “Mount the following empty NTFS folder” should already be selected.


  • Step 4.09: Click “Browse”. The “Browse for Drive Path” window should appear. skydrive-microsd-4-09-browse
  • Step 4.10: Select the “C:\SkyDriveData” folder you created in Step 3 and click “OK”. You should be back at the “Add Drive Letter or Path “ window with “C:\SkyDriveData” path in the text box.


  • Step 4.11: Click “OK”. You should be back at the “Change Drive Letter and Paths for D: ()” window.


  • Step 4.11: Click “OK”. You should be back at the “Computer Management” window.
  • Step 4.12: Close the “Computer Management” window.
  • Step 4.13: Check to see if your C:\SkyDriveData folder has a new icon.


  • Congratulations! You have mounted your micro SD card as “SkyDriveData” on your computer. You are done with Step 4.

Step 5: Install SkyDrive Desktop Application with C:\SkyDriveData\Skydrive as the SkyDrive Folder


  • Step 5.2: Run the SkyDrive Windows desktop application installation and acknowledge the installation notice. The “Welcome to SkyDrive” screen appears.


  • Step 5.3: Click “Get started”. “Introducing your SkyDrive folder” should appear.


  • Step 5.4: Click “Change”. A “Browse For Folder” window should appear.


  • Step 5.5: Select “C:\SkyDriveData” you created in Step 3.


  • Step 5.6: Click “OK”. You should be back at the “Introducing your SkyDrive folder”. Confirm that your SkyDrive folder is “C:\SkyDriveData\SkyDrive”.


  • Step 5.7: Click “Next”. “Sync only what you want” should appear.


  • Step 5.8: Click “Next”. “Fetch your files from anywhere” should appear.


  • Step 5.9: Click “Done”.
  • Congratulations! SkyDrive should be syncing all your data from SkyDrive to your micro SD card. This may take a while depending on the amount of data you have and your network connection speed.