Updating Win10 USB Drives

By jldurham6,

1. Close or Uninstall AntiVirus (if needed?)

2. Clean USB Flash Disk (careful with the procedure!)
Run as Administrator Command Prompt
Run diskpart -> list disk -> select disk x -> clean -> list disk -> select disk x -> clean

note, 2 times, because the first clean did lead to an error, maybe hoax(?)

3. Format USB Flash Disk on Disk Management
Define as New Regular Disk and Format
4. Run Media Creation Tool
Run as Administrator MediaCreationTool.exe
5. Open or Re-install AntiVirus (if needed?)
Additional information -> http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/52129-disk-clean-clean-all-diskpart-command.html
Note! So far, no License Key needed on clean installation with Windows 10 ISO DVD.

Teredo Tunnel protocol issues

By jldurham6,

I found the solution posted by
I am copy+pasteing below; (good Luck!)
Hey everyone, I had the same code 10 problem with Teredo Tunnel Pseudo-Interface when I connected my laptop with a public library router. Fortunately I found this solution which really worked it out! (My OS is Vista x64 SP2, but I think XP and Win7 can also follow the same solution)
1. Open command prompt with administrator credentials (Find CMD and right-click – Run as Administrator).
2. Enter netsh environment. Type “netsh” and ENTER.
3. “int teredo” and ENTER
4. “set state disabled” and ENTER.
5. Open Device Manager and uninstall “Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface”.
6. Open command prompt with administrator credentials once again.
7. netsh + ENTER.
8. “int ipv6” + ENTER
9. “set teredo client” + ENTER
10. Open Device Manager and Scan for new hardware.
11. Select “Show hidden devices” from the View menu. You will now see that it is present without errors with any luck.

Dynamic Caching and windows updates

By jldurham6,

Add to the local cache in squid config.

refresh_pattern ([^.]+\.)?(download|(windows)?update)\.(microsoft\.)?com/.*\.(cab|exe|msi|msp|psf) 4320 100% 43200 reload-into-ims; range_offset_limit -0; quick_abort_pct 70; refresh_pattern ([^.]+.|)avg.com/.*\.(bin) 4320 100% 43200 reload-into-ims; refresh_pattern ([^.]+.|)spywareblaster.net/.*\.(dtb) 4320 100% 64800 reload-into-ims; refresh_pattern ([^.]+.|)symantecliveupdate.com/.*\.(zip|exe) 43200 100% 43200 reload-into-ims; refresh_pattern ([^.]+.|)avast.com/.*\.(vpu|vpaa) 4320 100% 43200 reload-into-ims; refresh_pattern ([^.]+.|)(download|adcdownload).(apple.|)com/.*\.(pkg|dmg) 4320 100% 43200 reload-into-ims;

PF Sense IP6 causes routing issues

By jldurham6,

Some games cannot load on android.  IPv6 needs disabled.

Go to services, DHCPv6 Server and disable “Enable DHCPv6 server on interface LAN”

Go to Lan and WAN interfaces and disable IPv6 protocol.

Eudora SSL issue

By jldurham6,


How do I fix Eudora SSL certificate problems?

This page is showing a generic answer.
To see a more detailed answer customized for you, type your e-mail address here:

With some versions of Eudora, you may receive an error message that says something like this:

SSL Negotiation Failed: Certificate Error: Cert Chain not trusted. Try adding this certificate to your certificate database for SSL to succeed.

This happens because Eudora has not been updated for a long time, and does not include modern “SSL root certificates” needed to encrypt your e-mail messages.

You should be able to use the instructions below to add the necessary SSL certificate to Eudora.

1. Make the error happen.

In order for the instructions below to work, you need to have seen the error since you started Eudora. Send a test message to make the error happen.

2. Open the Eudora options window.

Click Tools, then Options from the menu bar.

screen shot

3. The Options window appears.

Click Sending Mail in the category list, then click the Last SSL Info button.

screen shot

4. The Eudora SSL Connection Information Manager window appears.

Click Certificate Information Manager.

screen shot

5. The Certificate Information Manager appears.

Make sure that the tigertech.net certificate (located under server certificates) is highlighted, then click Add To Trusted. (It may list the name as “mail.tigertech.net”, “*.tigertech.net”, or something similar.)

screen shot

The certificate will be added and appear under the User Trusted Certificates

screen shot

Click Done to close the Certificate Information Manager window, then OK to close the Eudora SSL Connection Information Manager and OK to close the Options window.

Eudora should now be fully configured. Try sending yourself a test message.

What if the instructions above don’t work?

We’ve heard of a few cases where clicking the Last SSL Info button in step 3 doesn’t show any certificates, instead telling you that you haven’t had any SSL failures with the current “personality”.

If this happens to you, the simplest thing to do is just turn off the SSL for outgoing connections:

  • Under “Secure sockets when sending”, select Never
  • If your version of Eudora has a Use submission port (587) checkbox, check it.

If you still can’t send and your copy of Eudora doesn’t have a “Use submission port (587)” checkbox, choose Ports in the category list and change the SMTP port from “25” to 587.

This should make Eudora avoid using SSL to send mail. If you’re wondering if this is insecure, the answer is that it’s no more insecure than Eudora already is, because Eudora doesn’t use SSL for incoming mail anyway. It’s already sending your password without SSL every time you read mail. If this bothers you (it should), we recommend switching to a modern, free, SSL-capable program like Mozilla Thunderbird.

Avast and carbonite issues

By jldurham6,


  • This article is for Windows only

Avast has been known to block the installation and normal running process of Carbonite. For the installation to complete, you should configure Avast to allow Carbonite to operate normally.

  1. Right-click the Avast icon in your Windows notification area and click Open Avast! User Interface.
  2. Click Settings in the top right of the window that appears.
  3. Navigate to Active Protection, select Customize (next to Web Shield), and select Exclusions.
  4. On the Exclusions page, click the Browse button next to a blank line.
  5. Then select the individual files in the following locations to be excluded from the Avast scans:
    • C:\Program Files\Carbonite\Carbonite Backup\ (32-bit Windows)
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Carbonite\Carbonite Backup\ (64-bit Windows)
    • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Carbonite\Carbonite Backup\ (Windows XP)
    • C:\ProgramData\Carbonite\Carbonite Backup\ (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10)
    • C:\Program Files\Carbonite\Carbonite Mirror Image\ (if you have Carbonite Mirror Image)
  6. Use the + (plus) signs to navigate to the correct locations, ensuring that there is a check mark next to the Carbonite Backup folder for each location you add.
  7. Click OK when you have finished selecting locations to be excluded and Avast will automatically add each location as a separate line on the Exclusions list.
  8. Click OK at the bottom of the Settings window and close the Avast User Interface.

You will now have successfully configured Avast to allow Carbonite access to the Internet.

An issue has been discovered where Avast blocks Carbonite even after exclusions are configured. This issue is specific to Avast. If you experience this issue, we recommend contacting Avast customer care for further assistance. Their contact number is 1-866-951-7679.

By jldurham6,

Howto manually disable Windows Defender self.Windows10

submitted by Reddit___Police

In the latest build you can only temporarily disable Windows Defender. Here’s how to permanently disable it:

  1. Run gpedit.msc
  2. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender
  3. Double click on “Turn off Windows Defender”
  4. Select “Enabled” > Apply > OK
  5. Close Group Policy Editor

Beware, you are now unprotected.


An alternative to disabling Windows Defender is to modify the way it is scheduled.

  1. Run taskschd.msc
  2. Navigate to Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > Windows Defender
  3. Double click “Windows Defender Scheduled Scan”
  4. Navigate to the “Conditions” tab
  5. Click “Start the task only if the computer is idle for…” and set the minimum idle time and delay that must be present prior to starting a scan.
  6. Click “Stop if the computer ceases to be idle” to prevent Windows Defender form hogging resources when you need them.





Howto manually disable Windows Defender
by inWindows10

Enable AHCI mode after Windows is installed

By jldurham6,

WIN 8 and 10


1. Run Command Prompt as Admin
2. Invoke a Safe Mode boot with the command: bcdedit /set {current} safeboot minimal
3. Restart the PC and enter your BIOS during bootup.
4. Change from IDE to AHCI mode then Save & Exit.
5. Windows 10 will launch in Safe Mode.
6. Right click the Window icon and select to run the Command Prompt in Admin mode from among the various options.
7. Cancel Safe Mode booting with the command: bcdedit /deletevalue {current} safeboot
8. Restart your PC once more and this time it will boot up normally but with AHCI mode activated.

